
The Oneironauts 1: Schools of Thought (2014)

As an astronaut sails the stars, an oneironaut sails the dream plane.

Olan Valesco goes to bed each night with the stillness of hope. He wakes up each morning to the cakcle of disappointment. For years he has tried and failed to return to the school in the sky where one can learn to control and share dreams. His frustration finds its end when he joins the Night Stalkers. They make him lucid every night, but he quickly discovers that their services aren't free.

Join Olan on his fantastic forays into the realm of dreams. Prepare to enter a world where the bounds are set only by your own mind. A place where actions are not matched by real life consequences—or are they?


A New Plague (2016)


The Oneironauts 2: These Apparitions (2015)